Why Eyefinity chose to partner with Worldpay

Updated on July 18, 2024


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    We were integrated a different payment processor who got acquired and the service went downhill rapidly, and we had, our largest accounts were literally calling me weekly to say, “What’s happening. We can’t get terminals in our stores that are opening. You know, you need to do something different.” We put together our requirements and basically went out to market and we talked to a lot of vendors in the space. We also talked to our customers to understand both what they would be looking for in an Integrated Payments solution and we kind of married our two viewpoints together: what we needed as an independent software vendor, what our customers needed from an Integrated Payments processing perspective. We talked to numerous vendors, and we settled on Worldpay because they were able to meet the needs of not only our large retail corporate optometry groups but also the needs of our small independent optometry groups. From a technology perspective, one thing that was critical for us as a software vendor is how the software updates would be handled. In our previous vendor, we were constantly having to retool our software with every little technology change that happened on the payments processing side. And with Worldpay, they insulated us from all that complexity so that we are able to, you know, focus on what we do best, which is engineer our software solutions and not have all the changes in the payment processing ecosystem affect our updates, right. And so, from a technology and from a business perspective, Worldpay seemed to check all the boxes and they had a great reputation, right, particularly among our large corporate optometry groups. So that’s why we settled with it.

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